The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Program is an online eLearning solution with learning modules that help organizations and leaders by elevating conversations around DEI to increase the bottom line and build a more reflective and effective business from the inside out. DEI is more than a business solution. It is the power of connecting people through evaluation, education, and support. We are committed to elevating the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion for any business. We look at the whole company, aligning intention with perception to deliver measurable solutions.
Understanding Unconscious Bias
Overview/Description: No matter who you are, you are prey to unconscious biases. To be part of a complex, diverse team you must take steps to overcome implicit and explicit biases and reject social stereotypes. Understandingyour own bias, whether conscious or unconscious, is the key. In this course you’ll learn about thecharacteristics of unconscious bias and the nature of buried prejudice. You’ll discover how they can inadvertently affect your thinking and decision- making. And you’ll learn about the positive things that can happen when you take an anti-biased approach to people and situations in the workplace.
Target Audience: Team leaders, supervisors, managers, anyone who wants to learn how to addressunconscious biases in the workplace.
Course Duration: 25 minutes
Title: Types of Unconscious Bias
Asset Type: Job Aid
Overcoming Your Own Unconscious Biases
Overview/Description: Each of us is a member of a society that is often partitioned into groups and tribes. While this is common to most societies, it can have harmful effects in the workplace, interfering with productivity andorganizational success. We all hold biases, whether conscious or unconscious. Part of understanding the role of unconscious bias in the workplace is admitting to yourself that you, too, hold biases. Once accepted, you cantake an anti-bias approach to overcoming unconscious prejudice. In this course, you’ll learn how to recognize yourown unconscious and implicit bias and how they can fall prey to social stereotypes.
Target Audience: Team leaders, supervisors, managers, anyone who wants to learn how to addressunconscious biases in the workplace.
Course Duration: 22 min
Title: Combating the Return of Your Unconscious Bia
Asset Type: Job Aid
Overcoming Unconscious Bias in the Workplace
Ensuring a diverse, welcoming, and productive organization means overcoming biases. Nomatter who you are, you are prey to unconscious biases. To be part of a complex, diverse workplace, you musttake steps to overcome them. In this course, you’ll learn to recognize how superficial differences can contribute to biasand lead to prejudice and social stereotypes. You’ll learn specific tactics for combatting unconscious bias and adopting an anti-bias approach. You’ll also learn how to be an inclusive leader by using these tactics to overcome explicit and implicit bias across the organization.
Target Audience: Team leaders, supervisors, managers, anyone who wants to learn how to addressunconscious biases in the workplace.
Course Duration: 25 min
Title: Leading an Organization to Overcome Unconscious Bias
Asset Type: Job Aid
Outwitting Your Cognitive Bias
Overview/Description: In order to make the best decisions, you need to confront – and overcome – your cognitive biases. In this course you will learn techniques for identifying cognitive bias, as well as strategies for overcoming specific biases.
Target Audience: Team leaders, supervisors, managers, anyone who wants to learn how to addressunconscious biases in the workplace.
Course Duration: 21 min
Navigating Your Own Emotions
Overview/Description: In the workplace, emotions can often run high; sometimes, they can cause you to say or do things that you may later regret. But the only person responsible for your emotions is you; you own them. That’swhy developing emotional intelligence is so crucial in protecting your professional reputation. In this course, you’ll learn how to manage your emotional IQ, or EQ, in order to handle difficult situations more effectively. You’ll explore thescience behind the emotion, self-management techniques, as well as methods for recovering from emotionalhijackings. You’ll also learn different strategies for building emotional intelligence, such as taking ownership ofyour emotions, becoming emotionally self-aware, and identifying emotions.
Target Audience: Anyone who wants to advance their aptitude for emotional intelligence
Course Duration: 29 min
Title: Techniques to Self-manage Emotions and Sustain Self-regulation
Asset Type: Job Aid
Navigating Other People’s Emotions
Overview/Description: Organizational and interpersonal dynamics, along with thigh pressure situations, can sometimes cause others to behave unprofessionally. The way you react to their behavior can have a lasting effect on yourfuture relationships. But, by building emotional intelligence or emotional IQ, you can ensure that you’ll be able tounderstand and acknowledge other people’s emotions and maintain strong relationships with them. In thiscourse you’ll learn to recognize emotional awareness in, actively listen to, and empathize with others bydeveloping emotional intelligence, also know as EQ. You’ll discover how to apply organizational awareness and empathy to enhance your workplace relationships.
Target Audience: Anyone who wants to advance their aptitude for emotional intelligence
Course Duration: 25 min
Title: Using Active Listening Skills to Observe and Affirm
Asset Type: Job Aid
Navigating the Workplace with Emotional Intelligence
Overview/Description: Any organization, regardless of its size, industry or location, is made up of people – people who interact on a daily basis, and not always without incident. Developing emotional intelligence within theorganization is a key factor in ensuring that these relationships run smoothly. This is especially true ofleaders, who must provide an example of how to behave in group settings. In this course, you’ll learn howbuilding emotional intelligence, or EQ, can improve team or group interactions. You’ll also explore the role ofemotional IQ in workplace activities, conflict and stress management, as well as employee influence and engagement.
Target Audience: Anyone who wants to advance their aptitude for emotional intelligence
Course Duration: 26 min
Title: Dealing with Stress and Conflict Worksheet
Asset Type: Job Aid
Listening Even When It’s Difficult to Listen
Overview/Description: Successful people are generally excellent listeners. They’re able to give others their full attention so that they can understand their needs and ask the right questions, even in diffcult or stressful situation. They can alsouse their listening skills effectively to communicate their own goals and to build strong relationships with others.In this course, you’ll earn common misconceptions about listening, how to hone your listening skills, and what todo when you encounter roadblocks to actively listening. You’ll also learn how being receptive to what others aresaying can go a long way to breaking down the barriers to clear communication.
Target Audience: Individuals who want to develop or improve their skills for listening effectively within the workplace
Course Duration: 32 min
Title: Understanding Your Roadblocks
Asset Type: Job Aid
Using Active Listening in Workplace Situations
Overview/Description: Active listening skills are used by professionals in a wide range of occupations to enhance their work. In this course, you’ll learn listening skills that can help in the workplace, and techniques for becoming aneffective active listener.
Target Audience: Individuals who want to develop or improve their skills for listening effectively within the workplace
Course Duration: 34 min
Title: Listening effectively in Negotiation
Asset Type: Job Aid
Bridging the Diversity Gap
Overview/Description: Without a diverse workforce, organizations run the risk of viewing things from a very limited perspective. The organization provides the structure for operation, but it’s the individuals within that organizationwho carry out the mission of the organization. To get the most innovative solutions from the individuals inyour business, you need to create a workplace that embraces inclusion and avoids bias and stereotyping. Thiscourse focuses on what diversity is and how to leverage the diversity within the organization. You’ll also explore the barriers, such as unconscious bias, that must be overcome to create a diversified and inclusive working environment.
Target Audience: Individuals who have an interest in diversity in the workplace
Course Duration: 27 min
Title: Barriers to Diversity
Asset Type: Job Aid
Your Role in Workplace Diversity
Overview/Description: To understand and appreciate diversity in the workplace, you must develop a deep understanding of yourself, as well as any unconscious bias you may have. Your ability to use a variety of strategies to effectivelydeal with diverse situations is very important. Equally important is the ability to share these effective strategiesopenly and leverage the diversity that exists within an inclusive organization. In this course, you’ll explore how tobecome aware of your attitudes toward diversity, understand the source of any cultural bias you may have, andincrease your acceptance of diverse cultures, people, and ideas. You’ll also discover how to become an advocatefor diversity and inclusion within the workplace.
Target Audience: Individuals who want to develop or improve their skills for listening effectively within the workplace
Course Duration: 30 min
Title: Becoming a Diversity Advocate
Asset Type: Job Aid
How Culture Impacts Communication
Overview/Description: With so much business happening on a global scale, cross-cultural communication is more important than ever before. Communication is always a challenge, and when diverse cultures interact, good communication can be even more challenging. In this course you’ll learn about the importance of achieving a proper mindset for cross-cultural communication. You’ll explore aspects of cultures that affect howpeople communicate across cultural boundaries. You’ll learn also considerations for speaking and writing in cross-cultural environments.
Target Audience: Individuals who want to develop and refine their cross-cultural communication skills
Course Duration: 30 min
Title: Low-Context and High-Context Communication
Asset Type: Job Aid
Preventing Harassment in the Global Workplace
Overview/Description: As an employee, it is important for you to act respectfully toward all your coworkers, whether they’re located in the next office or on the other side of the globe. This course explains the benefits to everyone of supporting a respectful workplace and illustrates basic principles for promoting professional interaction in the workplace.
Target Audience: Allemployees CourseDuration: 28 min Assets:
Title: Principles for Demonstrating Respect
Asset Type: Job Aid
Global Diversity
Overview/Description: The modern workforce is as diverse as the world in which it exists, with employees representing an extraordinary variety of abilities, cultures ethnicities, beliefs and languages. But not all organizations havethe strategic foresight to tap into the wealth of human capital available to them. Even when there is commitment from leadership, inclusion and diversity goals don’t always make it through the workplace. Toleverage the full potential of the workforce, it’s important for organizations, managers and employees to evaluate and improve the ways in which they support diversity and inclusion and help ensure employees arebeing treated fairly. In this course, you’ll learn about the characteristics of inclusive workplaces and the benefitsof supporting diversity. You’ll discover the challenges and barriers to inclusion in the workplace and learn about recognizing discrimination and bullying. You’ll also cover workplace inclusion and accommodation practices, including strategies for promoting inclusion, and how inclusion policies and procedures support employees.
Target Audience: Managers and employees
Course Duration: 31 min
Asset Type: Job Aid
Characteristics of Bullying
Promoting Workplace Inclusion and Accommodation
Challenges and Obstacles to Workplace Inclusion
Inclusive Practices in the Workplace
Leading Diversity
Overview/Description: Diversity is a fact of life in the modern marketplace and workforce. In this course, you’ll learn skills to help you manage and leverage diversity for the benefit of the organization.
Target Audience: Allemployees
CourseDuration: 37 min
Diversity Management Practices Application
Asset Type: Guide
Diversity Management Practices
Asset Type: Slides
Diversity Preconditions Discussion
Asset Type: Slides
Personal Awareness Discussion
Asset Type: Guide
Personal Awareness
Asset Type: Slides
Diversity Trends Facilitation
Asset Type: Guide
Diversity Trends
Asset Type: Slides
Promoting Diversity and Avoiding Discrimination
Overview/Description: The modern workforce is as diverse as the world in which it exists, with employees representing an extraordinary variety of abilities, cultures ethnicities, beliefs and languages. Leverage the full potential of theworkforce, it’s important for organizations, managers, and employees to evaluate and improve the ways in whichthey support diversity and inclusion and help ensure employees are being treated fairly.
Target Audience: All employees
Course Duration: 6 min
Cultivating Relationships with Our Peers
Overview/Description: Developing and maintaining relationships with peers at work can lead to success for both you as an individual, and within your organization. Networking skills and building supportive peer relationships canprovide you with a wide variety of experiences, expertise, and institutional knowledge. Whether your exploringexecutive networking, professional networking, or just general business networking, this course explains how to identify the people in your organization who are important in helping you reach your goals. You’ll learn theskills that maintain solid, mutually beneficial relationships so you can advance your career.
Target Audience: People who want to develop effective relationships throughout their organization
Course Duration: 21 min
Title: Methods for Building Strategic Peer Relationships
Asset Type: Job Aid
Acting with Diplomacy and Tact
Overview/Description: People who communicate with diplomacy and tact are able to inspire confidence. Communicating a difficult message can be very challenging, so preparation is key to successful outcomes. In this course, you’ll learnabout developing a diplomatic approach to difficult conversations. You’ll learn to avoid meltdowns, apologize develop empathy,and remove personal biases.
Target Audience: Individuals who want to improve their ability to communicate in a more diplomatic and tactful manner
Course Duration: 36 min
Title: When you need to apologize
Asset Type: Job Aid
Leading Diversity